Are you happy with your toilet? Does it perform as well as you would like? If it’s a builder-supplied toilet, you may be missing out on some of the great innovations that have changed toilets in the last several years. A builder-supplied toilet is unlikely to be as efficient, comfortable, or attractive as it could be. If you’ve been using your builder-supplied toilet for years, you should know what you’re missing out on. Here’s what to know.
Water Usage
Typical builder-supplied toilets use between 1.28 and 1.6 gallons of water per flush. This is a vast improvement over builder-supplied toilets of decades ago, which used 5 or even 7 gallons per flush. Still, this performance is not as good as the best toilets on the market, which can use less than a single gallon!
Considering that approximately 25% of most household water usage comes from the toilet, upgrading to a maximum efficiency low-flow toilet can save your home hundreds of gallons of water every year. This puts money back in your pocket and helps conserve water at the same time.
Builder-supplied toilets aren’t built for comfort. This is especially true if your toilet is the wrong height, or just not shaped right to the right fit for your body.
Do you ever have a hard time getting up from a seated position while you’re using the toilet? Do you ever ache after using the toilet? It may be that you need a fixture that’s a more comfortable height for your body. It may also be that you need a more ergonomic toilet for your needs.
The best way to find a toilet that you’ll love is to visit a toilet showroom, where you can sit down on different models and find the right one for you.
Most builder-supplied toilets are built for functionality rather than beauty. If it’s important to you to have a beautiful bathroom, this may be frustrating. There’s good news! Toilets can be attractive. Sleek, modern, high-end toilets are built to be understated and sophisticated in their appearance. Replacing your builder-grade toilet can help you achieve the look you’ve been hoping for in your bathroom.
One thing to consider: your builder-supplied toilet may be white, but toilets can be all different colors. Consider a black, charcoal-gray or another color toilet to make a statement and help it blend into your bathroom’s color scheme.
How to Replace Your Builder-Supplied Toilet
Once you’ve picked a toilet that you want, it’s best to get help from an expert. Replacing your builder-supplied toilet is easy when it’s done by a professional. At Toilet King, replacing toilets is what we do! We’ll quickly install a new toilet in your home and then haul away the old toilet for your convenience. Call today to learn more about replacing your old toilet with services from Toilet King.